- 答:Dear XXX,
I apology that I didn't get my thesis done on time, sorry I caught a bad cold one week ago, and feel better now, I started the drafting already, and will try my best to hand it over to you soon.
Thanks for your kindness and understanding, I will do my homewrok on time in the future.
Sincerely yours,
- 答:写作思路及要点:以迟交论文的英文道歉信为题,围绕这一主题展开详细描写,接运肢改着表达自己旁判的想法以饥乱及观点。
Dear XXX,
I apology that I didn't get my thesis done on time, sorry I caught a bad cold one week ago, and feel better now, I started the drafting already, and will try my best to hand it over to you soon.
Thanks for your kindness and understanding, I will do my homewrok on time in the future.
Sincerely yours.
- 答:1、精忠报国 【拼音】: jīng zhōng bào guó【解释】: 为国家竭尽忠诚,牺牲一切。【出处】: 《北史·颜之仪指皮派传》:“公等备受朝恩,当尽忠报国。”《宋史·岳飞传》:“初命何铸鞫之,飞裂裳以背示铸,有‘尽忠报国’四大字,深入肤理。”【拼音代码】: jzbg【近义词】: 尽忠报国【反义词】: 卖国求【歇后语】: 岳飞背上刻金【灯谜】: 岳飞背上文身【用法】: 作谓语、定语;形容非常爱国【英文】: serve one's country with unreserved loyalty【故事】: 北宋末年,女真族建立大握厅金国,直接威胁北宋的生存。岳飞的母亲在岳飞的背上刻下“精忠报国”四个大字,送19岁的岳飞从军。岳飞在抗金19年战斗中,打了许许多多胜仗,让金兵闻风丧胆。北宋灭亡后,他继续坚持抗金直到被害2、为国捐躯 【拼音】: wèi guó juān qū【解释】: 捐:献;躯:身体,指生命。为国家牺牲生命。【出处】: 明 · 许 仲 琳《封 神 演 义》第五十二回:“可怜成汤首相,为国捐躯。”【拼音代码】: wgjq【近义词】: 为国献身【歇后语】: 岳飞之死【用法】: 作谓语、定语;指为国家牺牲生命【英文唯贺】: the great sacrifice